24.9 C
miércoles, 24 abril, 2024

Falleció el hijo del cantante cristiano Toby Mac



«No quería ser una estrella infantil, quería ser un hombre con cicatrices y una historia que contar. Siempre admiré, respeté y alenté esa postura» escribió el artista estadounidense por la muerte de su hijo 

Truett Foster McKeehan, hijo mayor del rapero estadounidense Toby Mac, falleció en su casa, durante la noche del pasado jueves 24 de octubre. Se desconocen los motivos de la muerte temprana del joven.

El cantante cristiano, a través de su cuenta en Instagram señaló que su último momento con Truett en persona fue en su primer show el jueves pasado en la Fábrica en Franklin, Tennessee.

Toby Mac, quien tiene una carrera musical de 32 años, ganador de 3 Grammy, 2 Billboard y 19 Dove, se encontraba en una gira canadiense al momento de fallecer su hijo, quien estaba comenzando a incursionar en la música, al igual que su padre.

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Truett Foster Mckeehan had joy that took the room when he entered. He was a magnetic son and brother and friend. If you met him, you knew him, you remembered him. His smile, his laugh, the encouragement he offered with words or even without. He had an untamable grand personality and dreams to match. And he hated being put in a box. He expressed himself through the music he made. And by made I mean, written, recorded, produced, mixed, and designed the art. All of it. A true artist. His first show was a week ago, and it was nothing short of electric. Everyone felt it, everyone knew it. He could’ve easily taken the easy route and put music out when he was 12, 14, 16, even 18, but he always said he wanted to live some life and have something to say before he did it. He didn’t want to be a child star, he wanted to be a man with scars and a story to tell. I always admired, respected and encouraged that stand. Truett always had a soft spot for God. The Bible moved him. His heart was warm to the things of his King. He was by no means a cookie cutter Christian but give me a believer who fights to keep believing. Give me a broken man who recognizes his need for a Savior every time. That’s who Truett was and how he should be remembered. My last moment with Truett in person was at his first show this past Thursday at the Factory in Franklin, Tennessee. I had to leave the next morning very early to fly and start our Canadian tour. As I stood in the audience and watched my son bring joy to a room, I was as proud as a “pop” (as tru called me) could be. It was the culminating moment of a dream that he had since he was 12. It couldn’t have been sweeter. Our music, and what we say lyrically couldn’t be more different, but the outcome was much the same… offering a room full of people a few minutes of joy in a crazy world. Our last text exchange is shared above (swipe). My wife and I would want the world to know this… We don’t follow God because we have some sort of under-the-table deal with Him, like, we’ll follow you if you bless us. We follow God because we love Him. It’s our honor. He is the God of the hills and the valleys. And He is beautiful above all things.

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